The RGPD at Maviflex
Posted on 28 January 2022
The RGPD at Maviflex
On this January 28, 2022, Maviflex wishes you a pleasant World Data Protection Day. In France, since January 6th 1978, the law “Informatique et Libertés” protected your personal data. This law required companies to inform individuals of the collection of their data and to ensure their security, but also to declare to the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CNIL) the files containing the personal data of citizens. In addition, the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) establishes and records the legal framework for the collection and processing of data, which must be respected by all companies.
The National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties: its role
The National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties: its roleThe CNIL is an inalienable administrative authority. Its mission is to protect the privacy of citizens during the development of information technology. It was created at the time of the implementation of the law “Informatique et Libertés”. Indeed, its mission is mainly divided into two parts. On the one hand, to control the public and private companies to the respect of the pre-established rules. On the other hand, to sanction the organizations which do not respect these rules. However, the CNIL is not only defined by these two missions, it also plays a role of support for companies in their compliance, especially with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD).
The RGPD marketing strategy at Maviflex
In the marketing strategy of Maviflex, it was important to develop the tools to comply with the RGPD. When an Internet user performs a search and goes to the Maviflex website, he/she will notice that a cookies banner appears automatically. This banner presents clear mentions on the nature and the treatment of the data. This is only done if the user gives his consent. In addition, a mandatory statement is included for each contact form or quote request. This statement specifies that the data is being processed and that the person can use his or her right of access and rectification with a company. For example, if the person has questions such as: “What data does Maviflex collect?”, he or she can consult the Personal Data Policy available under the forms. All this data collected is used for statistical purposes to improve the customer experience and the user experience (UX).
Maviflex continues its efforts in the implementation of strategies in line with the RGPD.